Day 6 of the #GlassFire.
Thank you to all of you for your continued support, thoughts and prayers as we face the impact of the Glass Fire. We will be updating this page as more information comes in from our member wineries regarding their status and the damage caused.
If you wish to support them please head over to their websites. A large number of them hold a certain amount of wine off-site and are still able to process wine orders.
Atchley Vineyards
Five days of anxiety about the onrushing flames ended last night when firefighters took advantage of the terrain and weather. They set backfires along the road to the Smith-Madrone winery which then burned down the slope colliding with the oncoming wildfire with a great conflagration. Thus ended the threat to our house and 140-year-old barns.
Bergman Family Vineyards
The fire made its way onto our property yesterday (10/01/20) in the forested area at our southeast corner and was spotted by our crew around 7am. Cal Fire was on scene by 9am and are currently working to create fire breaks on and around our property in hopes of protecting our neighbors to our east down to Highway 29 as well. There is another fire burning below the northwestern corner of our property that has made its way from the Stony Hill area and is expected to threaten our property today. We are working hard to slow the spread of flames when they arrive on our property to avoid any further advancement to the east Including the numerous homes, vineyards and wineries below us. It is a very fluid situation with conditions changing by the hour. Today will be a critical day to stop the advancement toward numerous properties in the immediate area.
Many of our neighbors have suffered devastating and unfathomable loses, and our hearts go out to them as well as other neighbors who are working hard to put out multiple fires on and around their properties. We appreciate the support and messages from so many of our friends in the community and are grateful for Cal Fire’s Big Tree Station and other firefighters who are working 24/7 to mitigate the fire’s impact if possible. Stay safe everyone!
You may direct any questions to
Bergman Estates website
Eeden Vineyards

Eeden Wines website
Paloma Vineyards
Paloma still stands, at the moment. The virus has reached our fence completely around the property and stopped there. But every day we lose new neighbors homes and wineries. This fire is not done yet. Our fire truck has been all over the mountain the last four days helping where we could. Thank God for firefighters, good engine management and a hell of a lot of luck.
Paloma Website
Peacock Family Vineyards
Peacock Vineyards Website
Vineyard 7 & 8

Vineyard 7 & 8 Website